Creative Writing

 I like to write stories about mythical creatures, like dwarfs, elves, trolls, and orcs. You can write stories about anything just using your imagination, a computer or paper and a writing utensil.  

You can read Chapter 1 of my story, "The Battles of Dain and Travok" below. 

The Battles of Dain and Travok


Once Upon a time there was an old dwarf, Bacorn, he was about 316 years old. There were also two friends, Dain and Travok. Dain was about 110 years old, Travok on the other hand was about 111 years old. They loved to go out in the world and explorer together. Then one day Dain and Travok took a wrong turn and ended up on the old dwarf’s deck. The brothers were curious to see what was inside, so they opened the door and went inside. They saw comfy furniture, bookshelves, and a huge TV. They walked farther in the house, and it got more mysterious. They walked down a hallway and saw a closed door and opened it slowly. Travok fainted and fell to the floor with a thud, Dain was speechless. The old dwarf was standing there, “Hello I have been expecting you.” Then Dain fainted too (thud).

When they woke up, they saw Bacorn making tea, they tried to sneak out, but it was like the older dwarf had eyes in the back of head. “STOP, where do you think you're going?” questioned Bacorn

“Umm. nowhere just stretching,” said Dain as he almost fainted again.

“I would go if I were you, but you can't,” Bacorn stated matter-of-factly.

Dain try to open the door to the deck, but he couldn't. Travok on the other hand couldn't move, in fact he was temporarily paralyzed with fear. “How did you lock us in?” Dain stammered. Bacorn grabbed a mist ball from his pocket, he chucked it at the ground and mist exploded all over the place. Dain and Travok started coughing and their eyes started to sting, when they can finally see again the old dwarf had vanished.

 “Where did he go?” said Travok “I think he's dead now and he's a ghost. BOO!!!”

“Dear Lord of the Dwarves, a Ghost?” Dain was scared out of his mind

“Relax, it was just a practical joke” chuckled Travok.

Dain was annoyed and not in the mood for practical jokes. He tried the door to the deck again and was surprised to find it unlocked. Dain slowly open door only to find Bacorn smoking a pipe on a rocking chair staring intensely at them.

“I thought you were dead or something,” said Dain looking at Bacorn.

“No, you silly, I’m not dead.” Bacorn chucked while smoke raised in rings above his head.

Dain and Travok started running off the deck afraid of what Bacorn may do next. They ran and ran until they reached halfway home and hit a magical forcefield. They pushed and rammed and couldn’t get through. They walked back slowly to Barcon’s house wondering if he was the one who made the magical forcefield and why he would do such a thing.

With caution they walked up the stairs and onto the deck, Bacorn was no longer there. Dain tried to open the front door, but it was locked. They walked around the house to the back door and tried to open it, to their surprise the backdoor creaked open. They walked inside the house and suddenly they were very hungry. Travok led the way to the kitchen where they found sandwiches just sitting there.  They wolfed down the sandwiches and walked down the hallway that led to the closed door. Dain opened the door and saw Bacorn sitting on a rocking chair, just like the one on the deck, eating a sandwich of his own. “You made these sandwiches? They're delicious! Travok said. Dain nudged Travok and gave him a dirty look.  “No, I mean why did you lock us in magical forcefield?” Travok demanded.   

Bacorn rolled his eyes and just kept eating his sandwich.            

